Nelson Consulting and Training

Human Resources Consulting and Training for San Diego and beyond.

Nelson Consulting and Training - Human Resources Consulting and Training for San Diego and beyond.

Creating an Executive Coaching Model During Organizational Change

The word COACH is a key word today as we see a soaring in the statistical evidence of Executive Coaching engagements globally.  In a recent Coaching Certificate program offered by the Association of Talent and Development in San Diego, California, in which I participated, the class was to recognize this basic coaching model for the ATD Program.

C– Represents Current situation

O–Represents Objectives and Goals

A–Represents Alternatives on how to reach measurable objectives

CH–Represents Choices, including choice of action, next steps, milestones, and other elements in the Coaching Action Plans

To what degree is Executive Coaching relevant during times of organizational turmoil and change? This question was examined carefully in an article entitled, Executive Coaching in Times of Organisational [sic] Change,  by Anthony M. Grant,  Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2014, (p. 258-280).  Professor Grant, from the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, formulates some specific mechanisms for executive coaching, which follow the general pattern of the ATD model with the global perspective.

The three underlying mechanisms which create effective coaching on the executive level are: 1) Building confidential and supportive relationships;  2)   Setting personally-valued goals, which will serve in developing solution-focused thinking; 3) Systematic engagement in this process; 4) Building resilience and enhanced self-regulation into the equation, which are vital when faced with turmoil and change.  (Grant).  According to Anthony Grant, coaching can increase the leadership qualities needed during uncertain times.

In the Twenty-First Century US coaching environment, two factors were key for me as crucial features in times of organizational change or any time during an organization’s life-cycle.  Jack and Suzy Welch and Dr. Marshall Goldsmith explain their concepts of mentoring and loving best in their 2015 business books.

In Triggers (2015), Marshall Goldsmith discusses Alan Mulally, who was ranked # 3 by Fortune Magazine as the world’s greatest leader.  Alan was appointed CEO for Boeing Commercial Aircraft in 2001;  and between 2006-2014, he served as President, CEO, and member of  the Board of Directors for Ford Motor Company.  He is quoted by Marshall Goldsmith in his Best Seller, Triggers, 2015,  “The one metric that mattered during Ford’s turnaround was: “How can we help one another more?” (p. 173).  When the Ford team was positively committed to working together to accomplish the structured plan, results followed.

Jack Welch agrees with Marshall Goldsmith in prioritizing “helping one another.” In their book, Real-Life MBA, 2015,  Jack and his wife and co-author, Susie Welch, also emphasize this concept of coaching/mentoring as a leadership, imperative role:  “The first “do” is to care like crazy about your people and their work.”  Demonstrating generosity and clearing blockages demonstrates the message: “I’m in this with you.!” (Welch, p. 130-131).

As a coach, you may be asked to work with a C level executive during a time of organizational turmoil or change.  If you are in this scenario, it is helpful to think about the  priorities of Marshall Goldsmith,  Jack, and Susie Welch.  The final strategy which Jack and Suzy suggest to break a stalled company or one’s stagnant career is, “Love everyone.”  This is different than the mentoring mindset of “I’m in this with you.”  The latter engages a group of colleagues to collaborate with brain-centered solutions.  Even if “Loving” may be challenging in times of turmoil and change,  according to Jack Welch, “Love has a way of going round and round.”  “Loving everyone is not a brain thing.  It is a heart thing.”  (Welch, Jack and Suzy, The Real-Life MBA, 2015, p. 211-212).

Do you think you can manage both?

Blog written by Elizabeth Nelson, PHR , July 4, 2015